September 19, 2019
Mobile Growth Nightmares Episode 9 — Recorded at AGS 2019 with Ada Dubrawska from the Messaging team at Clue & Catherine Bostian, CRM Manager at Delivery Hero
The episode 9 of Mobile Growth Nightmares was recording during App Growth Summit 2019 in Berlin. Usually, Mobile Growth Nightmares episodes…
September 12, 2019
Mobile Analytics — Part 1: The step by step guide.
A tracking plan can help tech teams to understand what is wrong in the product, data analysts to understand clusters and patterns between…
August 28, 2019
The essential guide to crafting a successful Growth Loop
These different steps are what any product manager/marketing team / or curious developer should focus on to make sure they're bringing…
August 8, 2019
Mobile Growth Nightmares Episode 8 — Recorded at MAU 2019 with Adam Lovallo, the mastermind behind & Fabien-Pierre Nicolas, VP of Marketing at SmartNews
The 8th MGN episode features Adam Lovallo, the mastermind behind the MAU conference and publication and Fabien-Pierre Nicolas, Vice…
July 18, 2019
Introducing a New Framework for Mobile Engagement: Acknowledgment — Interest — Conversion (AIC)
In this article, we propose a framework (the ‘Acknowledgment-Interest-Conversion Framework, or AIC for short) for measuring and analyzing…
June 6, 2019
Mobile Growth Nightmares Episode 7 — Live recording at APS with Lenette Yap from Wargaming and Jacques Frisch from Glovo.
Since the dawn of time, the number 7 has had a special place in most civilizations. 7 days in a week, 7 colors in a rainbow, 7 wonders of…
May 6, 2019
Mobile Growth Nightmares Episode 6— André Kempe, Admiral of the fleet at
Behind every success, there are multiple mistakes. In the podcast series Mobile Growth Nightmares, hosted by Gessica Bicego (Blinkist) and…
March 21, 2019
The Mobile Triforce: Marketing, Tech, and Data.
In this article, I will highlight what makes a good “tech-marketing stack” and how you can ensure that you get the most value out of……
January 31, 2019
Exploring users’ Natural Usage Habits
Often, one will pick an engagement metric (monthly, weekly, daily) based on what they think it should be (gut feel) or what they see users…
January 16, 2019
Increasing Retention with Push, In-App and Email Part 2: Developing a Mobile CRM Strategy for Retention
Consider the make-up of your retained users in any given period to identify the biggest opportunity. Looking at your active users in a…