August 3, 2018
ASO Monthly #27 July 2018: Google Play Bugs, iOS 12 News & More
A glitch in Google Play search results has first been reported by members of the ASO Stack Slack: search results loop in every 5 apps on mobile and…
July 4, 2018
ASO Monthly #26 June 2018: Google Play Algorithm Change, Search Ads Attribution API Broken
While the iOS 12 Announcements during WWDC were mostly about Facetime and animated emojis 🐯 there were also some unannounced changes important for…
June 4, 2018
ASO Monthly #25 May 2018: App Store Creative Testing, Google I/O 2018 impact
Google now allows registering .app domains. Continuing on the encouraging safety in mobile web and adoption of HTTPS, Google is requiring HTTPS for…
May 29, 2018
Apple Silently Launched Creative Testing in App Store Search Ads
Mobile marketers and developers can as of now test different Apple Search Ads assets in the App Store.
May 3, 2018
ASO Monthly #24 April 2018: New Play Store Design in Detail, Web Apps for iOS…
The web apps were made available for iOS in 2007, introduced back then by Steve Jobs, and long forgotten and not supported. Now, with their iOS 11.3…
April 4, 2018
ASO Monthly #23 March 2018: New Features — Redesigned Play Store Listings, App Video Trailers, Google Play Instant…
At the beginning of March, it was reported by GadgetHacks that Google has started testing new designs for their app store listings for various cases.…
March 1, 2018
ASO Monthly #22 February 2018: New Play Store Beta Search Interface, Keyword Dances Happening…
Good news! Apple Search Ads Basic will be expanded globally, as informed by Apple. Those running their campaigns in the Search Ads Basic console can…
February 28, 2018
ASO in iOS 11: A Detailed Analysis of What REALLY Works
So many people waste time and resources on their App Store Optimization (ASO) by copying other people, without having any proof that their activities…
February 22, 2018
How Do Users Search for Apps in the App Store?
This blog post explores what users search for in app stores besides brand keywords, analyzing data from trending searches and autocomplete.
February 5, 2018
ASO Monthly #21 January 2018: Installs via Keywords on Google Play, New Design of App Store Web…
As Apple reported, App Store kicks off 2018 with record-breaking Holiday season of $300 Million in Purchases. Altogether over $890 million in…