The Official App Store Optimization Conference 2019 Berlin Recap

The Official App Store Optimization Conference 2019 Berlin Recap

With the first official ASO Conference in Berlin concluded, it’s time for the content recap. The following is a high-level overview of the content…

Introducing the ASO Stack

The App Store Optimization (ASO) Stack is a framework designed to help marketers develop and evolve a strategy for improving app visibility in the…

ASO Keyword Optimization in Practice: Part 1

ASO Keyword Optimization in Practice: Part 1

When it comes to boosting your organic app growth, one of the first things to take into account is your app’s visibility and how you’re going to…

ASO Monthly #37 May 2019: Insights from Google I/O 2019, Trump blacklist effects and more.

ASO Monthly #37 May 2019: Insights from Google I/O 2019, Trump blacklist effects and more.

On the eve of the Google I/O developer conference, Google has announced the best apps on Google Play. The awards cover nine categories, including…

Increase your App Store Search Presence with IAPs, Apple Search Ads, Featurings and more

Increase your App Store Search Presence with IAPs, Apple Search Ads, Featurings and more

According to Apple, 65% of downloads occur directly after a search on the App Store (2018). This is much higher than on the Google Play Store where…

New Play Console features at Google I/O 2019: Custom peer groups, new rating, custom store listing experiments…

New Play Console features at Google I/O 2019: Custom peer groups, new rating, custom store listing experiments…

With Google I/O 2019, the biggest update since the new organic acquisition insights is being released on Google Play. One of the most significant…

ASO Monthly #36 April 2019: App Store Under Investigation, Upcoming Google Play Awards & More!

ASO Monthly #36 April 2019: App Store Under Investigation, Upcoming Google Play Awards & More!

It is less than a month until the App Store Optimization Conference 2019 in Berlin on 22nd May!

Apple Search Ads: 46 new storefronts, multi-storefront campaigns, and more

Apple Search Ads: 46 new storefronts, multi-storefront campaigns, and more

March 27th was one of the biggest days for Apple Search Ads since its launch in 2017. Apple opened up 46 more storefronts for Search Ads and updated…

ASO Monthly #35 March 2019: More Countries in Apple Search Ads, Google Play Custom Store Listings and more

ASO Monthly #35 March 2019: More Countries in Apple Search Ads, Google Play Custom Store Listings and more

As a start, developers will be able to monetise their free users through rewarded video ads. Users will be able to elect to watch a video…

Just How Impactful is Being Featured on the App Store?

Just How Impactful is Being Featured on the App Store?

In addition to carrying out keyword optimization, apps can boost their visibility on the App Store by being featured. Having your app promoted on the…