Alex Billaud

We are delighted to announce the promotion of our former head of growth and insights, Alex Billaud, to director of client services. Alex will now be in charge of expanding and developing Phiture’s services as well as ensuring quality deliverables for clients across all teams. Alex stepped into the role on April 1st and has been ensuring that our services are driven by data and running smoothly ever since. 

Alex started his career selling online media monitoring software in France after earning his master’s degree at the age of 21. He affirms he was “naturally attracted to the digital space,” and moved to Berlin in 2014 to work in mobile. While acting as the VP of growth at Onefootball, the German-based football media company, Alex met with Phiture’s co-founders, Moritz Daan and Andy Carvell, to discuss ASO opportunities surrounding the 2016 European championship. With a proven skill and obvious passion for translating data into actions, Alex joined the Phiture team in January 2020 after co-founding the photo book app, Storykids.

“Alex is a very strong communicator with deep leadership capabilities.”

“We’re delighted that Alex will step into the director of client services role at Phiture,” says Pablo Penny, managing director. “Alex is a very strong communicator with deep leadership capabilities. His strong background with mobile, team building, and client management will strengthen our teams and allow us to continue to provide premium and innovative mobile growth solutions for top apps and brands.” 

“The first thing one notices about Alex – besides his billboard-worthy hair – is the sense of calm pragmatism that he brings to every engagement,” says Stuart Miller, design lead at Phiture. “His uncanny ability to turn pain points into opportunities, combined with a focus on big-picture thinking, means that he turns complex projects into real-world results.” 

Since joining Phiture, Alex has contributed to the company’s growth by establishing an analytics team and integrating and strengthening the use of data in Phiture’s mobile growth and marketing services, helping the company double in size in a year as well as attract premium clients.

After seven years in Berlin and just over one year at Phiture, Alex is ready to apply his skills in mobile to expanding the company’s mobile growth services in his new position. He sees the promotion as a natural progression from his last role and is looking forward to building new relationships with clients, growing the Phiture team even further, and developing the company’s services, specifically into new areas of mobile growth such as subscription revenue optimization. 

“He’s always able to see the bigger picture.”

“Alex has a very holistic view of marketing, which is perfect because we’re very specialized at Phiture,” says Merlin Penny, data science and engineering lead. “He’s always able to see the bigger picture.” His colleagues praise Alex for being reassuring, people-centric, and somehow magically always available. 

Alex’s expertise with both clients and staff lies in translating learnings into actions and working with a larger goal in mind. “It’s great to show people that what they do on a daily basis helps reach both our clients’ and the company’s overall goals,” he says. His holistic approach allows Phiture to constantly develop and improve its services. “We are thought leaders at Phiture,” he says. “We have to keep bringing innovation to our clients and services.” 

To help nurture the company’s talent and establish exciting career paths for future leaders, Alex encourages Phiture’s juniors to keep their personal development in mind and always question their managers to make sure they’re taking their long-term goals into account. “Take the time to think about where you want to be,” he says. “Challenge your superiors and allocate time to contemplate your direction.”

Alex maintains that moving to Berlin was the best decision for his career. “It feels like the kind of place where everyone gets a fresh start,” he says. In his spare time, Alex is a facet of the city’s rock’n’roll scene. He plays drums in several bands and says that music helps him alleviate stress. He is an avid cook and wanted to pursue a career in gastronomy as a child. Alex admits he does miss French food but claims that German cuisine doesn’t get enough credit. In classic French fashion, he “loves having opinions on things,” and is known throughout Phiture as someone who is always up for a chat.Â