To help you gain the most from the ASO Stack Slack, please familiarize yourself with these rules and guidelines:
Guidelines — What we love you to do:
- Contribute — Whatever you think might be new and helpful for the world of ASO — from new metrics visible on App Store Connect and Google Play Console, to search algorithm changes — our members are always sharing new and/or interesting ASO updates they find and the community is open arms to all of your relevant findings (just remember to put them in the right channel). You can check out some examples of these updates here.
- Ask — We appreciate quality conversations, and some start with a good question. That means while everybody is welcome to seek advice from fellow Slack members, basic or generic questions like “What is ASO?” should be avoided. Many questions have also been asked before, so please ensure you search the chat history before asking these again.
- Be relevant — We have separated the Slack group into several smaller sections, each following a specific topic. Please post your contributions and questions only in relevant channels to avoid confusion and noise. You can see at the end of this post the current list of channels in our Slack group.
- Be precise — Whether you share a new piece of news or ask a question in one of the ASO Stack Slack channels, it’s important to be precise about your topic or question when you post it. This helps other users understand your information and/or your questions better and will help you to receive more informative responses. Also, using data to back up comments wherever possible is appreciated by practitioners, and helps you as a community member build your own credibility
- Be respectful — The ASO Stack Slack group is meant to be a healthy learning environment for ASO practitioners on all levels, as we believe sharing is caring. Members of the group should be respectful and learn from each other.
Example sections of the ASO Stack Slack
Rules — What we don’t appreciate:
- Discussion of irrelevant topics — As the name suggests, the ASO Stack Slack community is meant for practitioners to discuss ASO topics. We do not welcome public off-topic discussions apart from #miscellaneous and #random channels.
- Fraud — We do not tolerate fraudulent behaviors. Any attempt to make a profit illegally by tricking other members of our Slack group will not be accepted.
- Black Hat ASO — While Black Hat ASO may include activities that are not entirely illegal, these activities go against our goodwill and purpose of meaningful value generation and contribution. Any discussion of known Black Hat ASO topics or other manipulative ASO practices will not be tolerated.
- Disrespectful manners — As mentioned in the guidelines, we are a respectful community. We do not accept or welcome impolite or offensive behaviors, including the use of explicit/vulgar language, images and/or messages e.g. racist remarks.
- Selling products or services — The Slack channel is dedicated to sharing knowledge and learning from each other. You can promote your products and services if they could solve other members’ problems. However, we do not allow direct selling or excessive advertising.
- Advertising outside of ASO — We have a #promotion section dedicated to promoting valuable ASO-related publications and more. Promotional activities in any form that do not focus on ASO and target individual members will not be accepted.
- No direct message solicitations — We do not allow any member to solicit in direct messages in any form. Any reported attempt will result in having your account deactivated.
Moderators — whom to contact for questions:
In case you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us either directly in the ASO Stack Slack channel or via our email [email protected].
We will also be happy to receive your feedback and suggestions for the guidelines so that we build a strong community.
What to expect when rules are violated:
Any post violating any of the listed rules will be erased and the member writing it will have their account deactivated.
Of course, this list is not exhaustive and we could erase other posts we think are inappropriate in ways not listed above. However, the members writing them will only receive a warning if they are unaware and unintentional. A ban will be enforced if such behaviors persist.
Available channels in our Slack group:
- appstore — to discuss topics related to the Apple Store only.
- algorithm-updates — to notify and discuss with others about recent algorithm updates on either store.
- aso-conference — for announcements and discussions related to the App Store Optimization conference only.
- creatives — to discuss topics related to creative assets (icons, screenshots, etc.) for the App and Play stores only.
- ebook — for matters relevant to the ASO ebook only.
- general — to discuss overarching ASO topics (such as those relevant to both the App and Play stores).
- in-app-purchases — to discuss IAP topics only.
- jobs — for exchanging information related to ASO job opportunities only.
- miscellaneous — for discussions of unspecified topics related to ASO.
- playstore — to discuss topics related to the Google Play only.
- promotion — to make announcements of ASO-related events, publications, products and services, etc.
- random — for non-ASO discussions.
- searchads — to discuss Apple Search Ads topics only.
- seo — to discuss (Web) Search Engine Optimization topics only.
- tools — for news and discussions about ASO tools only.
- uac — to discuss matters relevant to Google Universal App Campaigns (Google AdWords) only.